Oh, my dear! That’s simply NOT done!

Debrett’s, the British publisher known for its rather stuffy etiquette books, and its catalogs of peers and gentry, has teamed with Airbnb to produce a guide to appropriate behavior for those who may be sharing a home temporarily.


Among the advice: don’t let dogs and children dash in before being introduced, and“Guests should conduct a brief, forensic examination before unlocking the bathroom door” to ensure leaving it as it was found. From the Guardian (UK), MORE

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9 years ago

Wise advice indeed.

You may notice that Brits don’t like used towels being left on the floor.

When I’m working in someone’s home they will always ask first – before bringing a pet into the room.

Maybe some people have the same dislike of little brats too !

It’s all about respecting your hosts or guests feelings.

Good manners.

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