April 26, 2015

Road trip advice: NYC to Chicago

We haven’t done a real road trip in years, although we used to enjoy getting in the car with no real obligation except to get to our destination. In October, we’re going to a wedding in Chicago, and we’ll have time to make a two-way road trip of it….

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Is Visa Everywhere You Want to Be?

          A Visa Ad Campaign for the Olympics Visa had the slogan “It’s everywhere you want to be” from 1995-2006. And in 2014, they brought back the slogan and trimmed it to “Everywhere…

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Why you should try Scuba Diving…

…because it’s the best thing in the world!  Not convinced yet?  Then read on. 1) You will be able to breath underwater Isn’t that the coolest thing to be able to do? I will never forget my first experience as an instructor when I saw…

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Road trip advice: NYC to Chicago

We haven’t done a real road trip in years, although we used to enjoy getting in the car with no real obligation except to get to our destination. In October, we’re going to a wedding in Chicago, and we’ll have time to make a two-way road trip of it….

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Is Visa Everywhere You Want to Be?

          A Visa Ad Campaign for the Olympics Visa had the slogan “It’s everywhere you want to be” from 1995-2006. And in 2014, they brought back the slogan and trimmed it to “Everywhere…

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Why you should try Scuba Diving…

…because it’s the best thing in the world!  Not convinced yet?  Then read on. 1) You will be able to breath underwater Isn’t that the coolest thing to be able to do? I will never forget my first experience as an instructor when I saw…

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