August 31, 2015

Zurich throws a party, and a million show up!

Zurich throws a “Techno Street Parade” every year near the end of August, and it’s become an incredibly big draw, with an estimated million participants from all over Europe dancing through the streets to the electronic beat, despite temperatures in…

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Meal-sharing sites upset Paris restaurants

First there was Airbnb, then there was Uber—calling themselves “the sharing economy,” and now there’s VizEat, one of several sites that link up travelers with local hosts willing to cook and share a meal, for a price. Definitely looks more like sharing than hailing a ride!

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Zurich throws a party, and a million show up!

Zurich throws a “Techno Street Parade” every year near the end of August, and it’s become an incredibly big draw, with an estimated million participants from all over Europe dancing through the streets to the electronic beat, despite temperatures in…

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Meal-sharing sites upset Paris restaurants

First there was Airbnb, then there was Uber—calling themselves “the sharing economy,” and now there’s VizEat, one of several sites that link up travelers with local hosts willing to cook and share a meal, for a price. Definitely looks more like sharing than hailing a ride!

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