Not a pit, and not a fort…but perhaps some similarities to the past two puzzles, since there is a narrow passage leading to a more distant point. But don’t let that lead you astray; this one is far from either of them…and comes with a tale of terror, tragedy and murder.
All will be revealed on Monday, and there will be daily clues…but start now!
- Share your suggestions, hints, observations and discussions with others by posting them here as comments…
- If you absolutely know what and where it is….please give others some time to work on it before you pounce. Email us your answer to [email protected]. E-mailed guesses will be posted on Saturday
- We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the “reveal” is posted and in the order these answers are received.
- The answer will be revealed in a blog on Monday.
To post here, you need to be a member…but that’s free and easy. Just click HERE
So, where is Gumbo visiting today? Please be as specific as possible.
Looks like a castle or tower where the tyrant of the day dealt his (or her) justice.
Most likely European. Looks a very cruel place so probably British or Germanic.
The wood carvings look like g-clefs. I don’t know if that means anything. We need more context.
As promised, a clue for the second day…
Here’s another clue to help the process along…a bit less forbidding than the first two. Get your thinking / hinting / asking caps on!
Nicely worked wood and relatively modern looking stairway.
Perhaps an old castle converted to a public building?
Here’s another clue to work on…enough context, or just another mystery?
Tomorrow and Sunday will feature outdoor clues…
Only today and tomorrow left…here’s an outdoor shot that should give you more insight into where Gumbo was…
The French had a habit of building grand houses on bridges.
Tomorrow’s the last day, so I won’t make you wait until morning for the last picture clue…