Star Wars World Premiere: Now boarding at gate…

In a coup that’s sure to excite envy among both frequent fliers and Star Wars fanatics, Air France has scored a coup: a deal to show the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens on four U.S.-to-Paris flights on Dec. 15, days before the theatre release.

Air France is getting into the Star Wars cult a bit, too: passengers will be “required” to register as either Jedi or Sith, and warned to leave light-sabers in checked baggage, not carry-ons.

Grab your tickets now for the four flights…and sorry, no senior discount. And no word on whether AF will come up with fresh popcorn. The flights are AF83 SFO-CDG, AF65 LAX-
CDG and two JFK-CDG flights, AF09 and AF11.

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9 years ago

Good promotional idea for Air France, and there will surely be some people who get on those flights just to see the premier.


But the idea of seeing a Star Wars movie on a 6 inch screen does little to excite me.  I’ll wait for big screen release, thanks!

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