Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Orange Wednesday?

Howard Johnson is having a sale this upcoming Wednesday, Dec. 2nd starting at 12:01 am EST to 11:59pm EST. It’s advertising it as Orange Wednesday. They offer 60% off up to three nights at  20 locations in the US and Canada. Only the first three people who call those hotels direct and mention the Orange Wednesday promotion will get the sale rate.


Read More:…ers/orange-Wednesday

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9 years ago

‘Tis true, I fear. The lucky 60 people who mention the special rate on the specified day will get 60% off. It’s 60, because it only applies to the first 3 at 20 hotels.


I was intrigued because New York at $67 a night was listed on their press release…but at the website for the promotion, clicking on New York gives a New York address, but clicking on the address pulls up a hotel in Bangor, ME. A lovely place, I know…but the morning commute to Manhattan can be a little tough…


PS…I just checked the Manhattan hotel they are offering; through I could have a room for $106, so that $67 is more like 40% off than 60%…

9 years ago

This may go down in retail history as the stingiest promotion ever offered by a corporate entity.  Three (3)?  Really?  Absurd and yet another reason to color HoJo tacky, as well as orange (or maybe that’s the same thing).

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