12,000 Mini Miracles

Canadian airline, Westjet, has made some clever YouTube clips over the years, some of which we’ve featured on TravelGumbo.  This might be one of their better efforts.

It’s rare to see, at least in my opinion, such an effective combination of charity, Christmas cheer, and letting folks know exactly where your company flies (ie. good self-promotion). 

If you have trouble viewing that videoclip, here’s the link to the youtube site:

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8 years ago

The WestJet video says it can perform miracles at Christmas. It is so tacky it’s a sugar coated Happy Meal.

Sorry. Cant swallow this shallow attempt to fool the public.

Self-praise is no recommendation”

8 years ago

It’s great video, and portrays WestJet as a different kind of Airline, but WestJet lost it’s luster for me when they announced they are charging for a check bags on flights to Europe starting January 6th. 

 It was more the statements they made when announcing the charge that made me realize they are like other airlines. WestJet CEO Gregg Saretsky said this about the new fees in a conference call announcing 3rd quarter results : “Our competitors went here years ago and we’ve been late to the party,” He also said, “We’re not going to apologize for charging $25 for a first checked bag. These fares are significantly lower than the market has seen.”

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