Wickerwork, Camacha, Madeira

Wickerwork is one of the principal industries of Madeira.  In the 1850s Camacha, Boaventura and Sao Vicente were the main centres of production. Both men and women devote themselves to this typical craft industry putting  all their creativity and talent in their creations.

Local willow trees provide the raw material of canes of various sizes and diameters. Before being used they are cut and peeled then boiled for elasticity making them easier to work, this gives them their characteristic brownish colour. They are then left to dry.

We now have the raw material for a wide variety objects of all shapes and sizes such as trays, baskets, furniture, many decorative pieces and most important, wicker work for the Monte Wicker Sleigh ride; all made by hand on the Island.

Today Camacha is the largest centre of production; its wickerwork is still traditionally made and exported all over the world. Tour the wicker factory showroom, see how it’s made and perhaps purchase a wicker product from its wide collection.
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8 years ago

Incredible Ian!

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