Torres del Paine in Southern Chile is South America’s most visited National Park, deservedly! Why? The geological make-up of this place is very special: bizarre rock formations, uniquely colored rocks, a string of lakes each featuring a different color of green, waterfalls, streams of all sizes fed by icy glacier water, snow capped mountains and glaciers looming behind every turn. It could not be more scenic!
Food, Fado, and Football in Porto, Portugal
With several days to spend in Porto, Jonathan L explores several aspects of local culture
Yes, Torres del Paine is definitely one of the most stunning National Parks of South America…
A great place for photographers!
So gloriously beautiful!!!
Really, Torres Del Paine one of the most famous national parks in the world, could become one of the best experiences in Chile. The famous W Trek in Torres Del Paine is the perfect destination for the adventurous traveller. I have almost finished 1 month trip in Chile with my family by the help of Really this place is so beautiful and attractive that was beyond my expectation. It was a memorable and adventures tour for us. It is a one of the best place for photographer.