Tokyo: Comfy sofas could make airport wait a joy

Not to wish anyone a long layover or a delayed flight, but it may be that Tokyo’s Narita Terminal 2 could be the best place for it to happen, because the terminal has now been equipped with comfortable sofas for sitting or napping.

They’ve been placed in the area between security clearance and the gates, in an area that’s labeled Narita Sky Lounge Wa, but which is actually an area open to the public. The furniture is supplied by Tokyo Nishikawa, a maker of mattresses, and the sofas are made with the same soft and supportive material that goes into the company’s mattresses.

Casey Baseel, a travel reporter for RocketNews24, in an article carried in Japan Today, says they’re “right in the sweet spot between too soft and too firm.” But maybe that’s also the spot between “on time” and “why am I still here.”

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