Gumbo leaves behind Wave Hill, one of New York’s beautiful gems, and heads here. A night time shot during a full moon gets you started.
- Share your suggestions, hints, observations and discussions with others by posting them here as comments…
- If you absolutely know what and where it is….please give others some time to work on it before you pounce. Email us your answer to[email protected] We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the ‘reveal’ is posted on Monday in the order these answers are received.
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So, where is Gumbo? Please try to be as specific as possible.
Here is the first clue. Does this narrow it down?
Is it a place we’re looking for – or an inland waterway ?
Gumbo tries to not be spotted, but as you can see people can even view him from the windows, so it’s a very hard job.
Garry to answer your question, the waterway or the name of either side will do in solving the puzzle. This is a hang out place in town for tourists and locals a like . As you can see with today’s clue, it’s quite popular.
And for the last clue , a little better view at night. Good luck to all.Reveal goes up tomorrow!