Gumbo leaves the pretty coastal town of Lunenberg in Nova Scotia and heads to this week’s destination of interest.
Sconces line the main entrance hallway to this place that was later re-purposed by the government. Not much to go on with this clue, but more informative clues will be forthcoming. Keep checking in, observing, suggesting, reading and commenting along with your fellow readers.
- Share your suggestions, hints, observations and discussions with others by posting them here as comments…
- If you absolutely know what and where it is….please give others some time to work on it before you pounce. Email us your answer to: [email protected]. We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the ‘reveal’ is posted on Monday in the order these answers are received.
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We need you identify the building and city Gumbo’s visiting. Good luck!
Horsemen are depicted along a section of wall inside our mystery location.
The golden urn appears on a reprise clue with a peek at the mystery location interior in the background. Two additional images round out the end of the clues for this WITW.
Here are your next clues. Gold urns line this parapet and looking up we can see a balcony of sorts and above that windows then the tall ceiling.
Here are today’s clues. Prior to this mystery location being repurposed, the office of the highest ranking overseer included a fireplace.
Windows, walkways, and floor tiling are today’s clues. One more day of clues remains.