Amsterdam’s on the Silk (rail) Road to China

It’s not quite the proverbial ‘slow boat to China,’ but Amsterdam’s new direct rail link to China is meant to replace it, part of a Chinese effort to reduce its dependence on ocean shipping. Starting tomorrow, a new train, called ‘One Belt, One Road’ will follow the old Silk Road on a 16-day, 11,000km trip.

The train, which will be at least a third of a mile’s worth of cars, will carry cargo to China including luxury textiles, car parts, alcoholic beverages and baby clothes, and will return carrying mostly Chinese-made clothing.

It’s part of a €400 billion investment China is making in strengthening rail connections to Europe, and especially western Europe. It’s the second line to reach the Netherlands; another operates to Rotterdam. The line crosses Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Kazachstan on its way to China.

Speaking of the Orient Express! But sorry, at present, no passengers.

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