Denmark OKs dogs on roads

Some countries have the most unusual transport issues, and Denmark has now been highlighted as one of them by issuing official rules for dog-drawn transport, after a series of disputes.

The issue came up because of inconsistent rulings by the Nature Agency, part of the Ministry of Environment and Food, which sometimes allowed sleds, and yes, also carriages, drawn by dogs on roads in the country’s national forests.

The matter has now been resolved by the Ministry of Transport, which ruled that “Driving carriages with dogs is a healthy and rewarding recreation and sport that should be allowed in Denmark. And now that I have looked into the issue, I can confirm that it is, in fact, legal on areas covered by the traffic laws.”

While not the most common form of transport, and usually associated in the public mind with icy winters in places like Alaska, it’s also a popular recreation in some northern areas. The Danish Polar Dog Association, which represents about 100 enthusiasts in Denmark, had asked for the clarification.

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