Amsterdam: Mopeds out of bike lanes

Amsterdam is issuing new traffic rules that bar low-power mopeds, legally restricted to 25km/h, from bicycle lanes in the city center, except on a few streets where the vehicle traffic is just too dangerous for them.

The struggle for space in crowded cities is forcing some readjustments of who gets which space, as cities that have created extensive bike lane systems to remove two-wheelers from both the street and the sidewalk struggle with the rise of powered scooters, bikes and mopeds.

In recent years, electric scooters, bikes and other low-power personal vehicles, either owned or rented, have proliferated in cities across Europe and the U.S., and many cities have yet to decide where—or in some cases, if—they can legally operate. Many cyclists have expressed concern that their numbers and their higher speed are either forcing bikers out of their lanes, or making them dangerous.

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