Smart Tourism Capitals have joined Europe’s annual roster of Capitals of Culture and Sport, with two cities honored for innovative tourism practices in four areas: accessibility, sustainability, digitalization, cultural heritage and creativity.
The competition was proposed by the European Parliament, and comes at a time when many cities and regions in Europe are concerned about over-tourism straining their resources and living conditions and possibly leading to losing their traditional cultures.
But tourism is also the third-biggest sector in Europe’s economy, representing about 10% of the EU’s Gross Domestic Product, so any solutions to those issues, many argue, has to be careful not to kill the golden goose. Those issues are what will be addressed by the jury that will judge each city’s proposal.
The winners, to be announced in October, will receive expert communication and branding support through the year, including a promotional video, a giant sculpture to install in the city, and various publicity and promotion activities across Europe throughout the year. Four other cities that score high on the individual categories, will get European Smart Tourism Awards.
Last year’s winners, the first ever, were Lyon, France and Helsinki, Finland.
Photo: Helsinki’s harbor, Tpienonen/Wikimedia
Nice photo. I never knew that Helsinki had an attractive harbour like this.