“And two tickets to the Palace, please.”

It may be the world’s ultimate travel agent job, but be warned: the small clientele is picky, and powerful. Queen Elizabeth has posted a job on the Buckingham Palace website for a new “Director of Royal Travel.”

The Queen’s travel agen will make about $111,000 a year for “purchasing safe, efficient, cost-effective and appropriate travel services” for trhe Queen and her family as they go about their official rounds, cutting ribbons and giving speeches.

In addition to air, sea and train travel, the job includes overseeing the Queen’s helicopters. Among the qualifications are experience in financial management and travel operations, a focus on safety, and skills at leadership, negotiations, conflict resolution and communication.

If that sounds like your cup of tea, you’d best get your resume up-to-date quickly; applications close December 20th. To get you started, here’s the link!

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