Neither snow nor heat nor stay-at-home orders can deter our intrepid Gumbo from his travels. This week his first clue for us is a view of the lay of the land around his destination. He’d like you to find his specific location, including the name of the locale. Come back for a new clue or 2 every day until Sunday. On Monday all shall be revealed.
- Share your observations by posting them below as comments.
- When you know where Gumbo is, email your answer to [email protected] We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the reveal is posted on Monday in the order the answers are received.
- To leave a comment you need to be a member, but that’s free and easy. Just click HERE.
So, where is Gumbo visiting this week? Good luck.
Wednesday’s clue, everywhere Gumbo looks is beautifully landscaped.
Outdoors again, Friday’s glimpse of Gumbo’s location finds him in need of refreshment.
Gumbo is enjoying himself and Saturday’s clue is unusual art to go with his coffee.
Today’s clue is an entrance. What is Gumbo letting himself in for?
Good signage is a must. Gumbo believes Sunday’s clue is all his followers will need to identify his location.