Darwin Arch now Pillars of Evolution

We’ll skip the jokes about the survival of the fittest and go straight to the idea that species are constantly evolving—and in this case, not species but spectacles. In the Galapagos Islands, Darwin’s Arch has fallen (not a pun), leaving behind what some locals are already calling the Pillars of Evolution.


The collapse of the natural arch, known as a spot for divers as well as viewers, was witnessed on Monday by passengers on the oddly-named excursion boat Galapagos Aggressor III. It was a remnant of a former island, part of the archipelago 1000 km west of South America.

Jen Jones of the Galapagos Conservation Trust told The Guardian (UK) that “It really was an icon of the Galápagos landscape and a marker for one of the most awe-inspiring wildlife experiences on Earth, as beneath the waves can be found one of the largest aggregations of sharks in the world.”

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