Fête du Pain, Paris

Notre Dame is a few years out from being ready for visitors again, but a neighboring attraction was back in business this year after a two-year pandemic hiatus: the annual Fête du Pain, or Festival of Bread.


Or, as its signs are happy to point out, Brod Festival, Brotfest, Fiesta del Pan, Festa del Pane and more… in case the passer-by couldn’t tell what was going on from the rich aromas and gorgeous racks of breads and pastries—all made on the spot, because under French law, you can’t call yourself a ‘Boulanger’ unless your products are made in-house.


The Festival is a chance for the city’s artisan bakers to show off their wares, boost public awareness, and give out awards, including one for the year’s best croissant. High point for the ceremonies is May 16, the day of St Honore, who is traditionally the patron of bakers and millers. For more on prizes and a peek at winners, click HERE


There’s also a program of public events and demonstrations, somewhat restricted compared to the past because even now, large crowds inside is not a best idea. But no one looking for a tasty bite went away dissatisfied…and there is the promise of more next year!


Festival dates vary, but it’s always in May and usually begins just before Saint Honore’s day, May 16.

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2 years ago

Nothing quite as good as freshly baked French bread!

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