Changing of the Guard, Stockholm

While everyone knows of the changing of the guard at London’s Buckingham Palace, the changing of the guard ceremony in Sweden is less well known.  It’s a 40-minute event which occurs in the courtyard in front of the King of Sweden’s residence on Gamla Stan, and is free to all.


IMG_9220(The parade route is secured by Sweden’s Military)

A unit of the Swedish Armed Forces marches from the Cavalary Barracks or the Army Museum into the palace grounds, preceded by a military band.  Sometimes horses accompany them, especially on special days like the king’s birthday.  The day I visited was a typical day — no horses.



IMG_9260(A military band begins the changing of the guard ceremony)



IMG_9285(A marching military unit follows the band)

The event is held every day during the summer months (April 23 – Aug 31).  In autumn and winter the schedule is different and the changing of the guard doesn’t take place every day.  Check the official website for the schedule when you plan to visit.  It’s quite crowded every day so arrive early to get the best spot.  I was there a half hour early and the courtyard was already filled, so I had to be content with watching it from the street.

IMG_9297(The old guard leaves the palace grounds)

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