Boat and cart on a sign that once marked the customs post on the Rhine
A few signs of note, collected over several visits to the Alsatian capital, not all of them as old as the one above.
I walked past the 5 for several days before I got a chance to look further and discover that it marks a gallery at 5 Place du Château. Sadly, it was only more recently that I discovered that it hosts an exhibit of the city’s past, present and future… one more note for a return journey!
Strasbourg may be as obsessed with birds as I am, judging from the signs. At top, “the Sign of the Ostrich” is the city’s oldest restaurant, dating to 1320 or earlier. The Swan marks a home goods and general merchandise store from 1868, and last an 1837 pharmacy with an updated stork to match its name.
And last for now, a chocolate and gourmet goods near the cathedral; there’s so much going on in that tableau it took me a few moments to spot the bird among the fish!
What a delightful city it is! Though Colmar was my favourite.