If you’ve gotten used to the idea of extra charges for bags and meals and sitting with your family on planes, you’re probably ready to pay Thomas Cook an extra fee for choosing a room or reserving a pool chair.
The big tour operator has started offering to reserve a chair in the sun (or shade if you prefer) at your resort for €25. Per chair, so if your family is with you, it adds up fast. The seating chart for the pool features a compass so you can try to figure out where the sun will be when you arrive at the pool.
Only about 10 to 20% of the chairs and loungers will be reservable, possibly to avoid even harsher feelings from those not prepared to pay the fees. The plan will apply at 30 resort hotels this summer, and could spread.
Oh, and the room: Cook tried that out last year at a few hotels and was so happy with the result it will offer it at 300 hotels this year. Pay €30 for the room of your choice, or take your chances.
Cook’s UK managing director told The Guardian (UK) that “Traditional package holidays are a thing of the past. Holidaymakers today want to personalise their package, mixing and matching the elements that best fit their needs and lifestyle.” Perhaps, but perhaps they didn’t expect fees with that!