Spring: It’s for the birds. Especially for one of the world’s most popular bird species (and also its fastest flyer), the peregrine falcon. Spring is the time when peregrines lay their eggs and incubate them, with both genders sharing the work.
Peregrines are found almost world-wide, but they’re considered endangered and attract a lot of attention, including a plethora of live webcams. Just as seems the case for we humans, there is no privacy! the list below is only a dozen of the many options.
Of course, the privacy issue may cut both ways; a warning at the National Aviary site warns that “This camera is a window into a wild Peregrine Falcon nest. The content on this live nest camera may not be appropriate for all audiences.”
- Wakefield Cathedral, UK https://www.webcamtaxi.com/en/…ine-falcon-nest.html
- Nebraska Game and Parks Commission http://outdoornebraska.gov/falconcam/
- Mill Creek, Kentucky https://lge-ku.com/environment…eregrine-falcons/cam
- Rochester, New York https://rfalconcam.com/rfc-main/streamView.php
- Canadian Peregrine Foundation Toronto http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/webcams.html
- Chesapeake Conservancy, Baltimore https://explore.org/livecams/f…esapeake-conservancy
- National Aviary, Pittsburgh https://www.aviary.org/birds-habitats/live-streams/
- Audobon Society of Rhode Island https://asri.org/view/peregrine-cam.html
- Utica, New York https://hdontap.com/index.php/…ica-falcons-live-cam
- University of Texas, Austin https://biodiversity.utexas.edu/resources/falcon-cam
- Brussels, Belgium http://www.falconsforeveryone.be/?lang=en
- Heidelberg, Germany https://worldcam.eu/webcams/eu…erg-peregrine-falcon
- Madrid, Spain https://www.webcamtaxi.com/en/…eregrine-falcon.html
One more, San Francisco PG&E Headquarters building:https://www.pge.com/en_US/resi…regrine-falcons.page