We’re coming home from our Christmas break on a red-eye that gets in at 12:15 January 1–15 minutes into the new year. A co-workers is suddenly very concerned, she says its bad luck to travel at times like that.
She says its not superstition, just that more accidents happen at holiday times. I’ve flown on New Years before (although never had the year change in the air before) but I can’t believe she’s right. Anyone?
It is probably quite the opposite. Those numbers may well be the best of good luck. Consider the luck of this couple, married 9/10/11, with a new baby born 11/12/13.
If the plane arrives fifteen minutes past midnight on the New Year, that means she will be 15 minutes late all year ! Valentine’s will bump into Easter. Easter will crash into the 4th of July early. The 4th of July will slam into Christmas, and before she knows it, 2015 will be all done. Oh, no !
Flying is safer than crossing the Street !
More accidents happen at home in the Bathroom than anywhere else!
Its just very unlucky for your co-workers – who are just jealous !
Yes, the co-workers are jealous. When you return, unless you bring really good swag, they will not want to hear one word about your trip. Spoil sports.
The best strategy is to pick out of the ordinary destinations. When I tell them where I am going and the response is ” Where ??? What ? Where is that ? “, I know that I am on the right track.
This raises an interesting question. Since the calendar is based on the rotation of the Earth relative to the sun and the plane is in flight, is it still the year before on the plane as long as you do not touch down ?
Just don’t spill any salt on your meal and make sure you don’t walk under any ladders at the airport.
So Waterloo what you’re saying is that the space-time continuum would be disrupted by this flight?
The space-time continuum will only be interrupted if this flight does not land at its scheduled time at New Year’s midnight p;us a few. What are the chances of that ?