Germany’s Cologne-Bonn airport is testing a new security system, designed to move people through faster by letting those who are ready go ahead of those who are taking more time.
Called “Easy Security,” it starts at the beginning, with 5 trays lined up, allowing five people at a time to start arranging their stuff, while those who are still emptying pockets stay behind. There’s even a bench to make removing shoes easier.
Once past the tray-loading, travelers move through a body scanner that not only takes less time than others in use, it doesn’t require the “hands-in-the-air” stance typical of others. There’s also more space around the security area to relieve the feeling of being crowded in.
The system was created by the German Interior Ministry, working with the Aviation Association, and is intended to ease the stress that develops at the most stressful part of the airport process.
After a six-month test, the system may be implemented at other airports.
The new Calgary airport has these multiuser screening posts. Four people at a time can access bins and get their things into them. Definitely goes much faster.