Gumbo leaves the memorable Red Fort and heads to our latest destination of interest. Our first clue from this place shows it to be a place of industry, but what kind, and where is it?
New clues will be posted each day and the solution to the puzzle will be revealed in Monday’s featured blog. Keep checking in, observing, suggesting, reading and commenting along with your fellow readers.
- Share your observations by posting them below as comments; or questions; don’t post answers!
- When you know where Gumbo is, email your answer to [email protected] We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the reveal is posted on Monday, in the order the answers are received.
- To leave a comment you need to be a member, but that’s free and easy. Just click HERE.
So, where is Gumbo visiting this week? Please be as specific as possible. Good luck!
Today’s clues feature important aspects in the nature of our mystery destination. What might this have been used for?
Here is your next puzzle clue….
Since that’s a picture of a young Haile Selassie, and he was Emperor of Ethiopia, it must be Ethiopia.
Here are the next clues from our mystery destination. I think the nature of this place is now apparent.
Some more clues featuring products made and displayed at our mystery destination…
Here are your final puzzle clues. Reveal goes up Monday, so review all the clues and see if you can solve where we’re at this week. Good luck!
It was made for Ethiopia, but not in Ethiopia. We’re looking for the place it was made.
India – Delhi