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2013: Good year for tourism!

Globally, tourism grew 5% in 2013 according to UN World Tourism Organization's World Tourism Barometer(trying saying that quickly five times in a row!)  There were more than one billion trips recorded, better than expected, especially in the presence of a relatively stagnant world economy.  The outlook for 2014 is also optimistic.  To read and see more, please click here.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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I've noticed so many more Chinese travelling in the past few years !

And the growth of Chinese Airlines supports this too.

Do you ever think if we didn't have "Experts" predicting the future - then Newspapers would have nothing to write about ?

If a Quantity Surveyor was 5% inaccurate he would be sacked !



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