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7 years to wash the windows: Sainte-Chappelle restored


Sainte-Chappelle, the must-see Paris medieval chapel with the most incredible display of floor-to-ceiling wall-to-wall stained glass windows, is even grander these days; it's just completed a seven-year project to carefully clean and restore every one of thousands of panes of colored glass, dating back to the 1200s.

Some of the dirt was nearly that old, too. It has been centuries since the windows were fully cleaned. In addition to the cleaning, the lead fittings and frames were cleaned and repainted, and in some cases replaced with clear material. During the work, visits have continued, but now, for the first time since it began, visitors can see the whole glory.

From Telegraph (UK), DETAILS     More PICTURES from TravelGumbo's DrFumblefinger.

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