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A Late Summer visit to the Boulder County Farmers' Market


There are few things I enjoy more than exploring, shopping at, and taking photos of a great farmers' market on a beautiful day.  So it was about a month ago when we visited our youngest son, Evan.  He's a bright and personable young man who obtained his PhD (in astrophysics) at UC Boulder -- our first introduction to the city about 10 years ago.  Evan then moved on to post-doc training at Northwestern University near Chicago, and later UC Santa Barbara.  He currently has started a job he's excited about in the field of Artificial Intelligence which he can telecommute to, so he and his wife have decided to return to (and live in) Boulder.  Hence our return visit to Boulder.

01 Boulder Market

I've previously shared a visit to this market about a decade ago, which you can take a look at if you're interested.  Of course, Farmers Markets vary depending on the season and what crops are ripe.  This one was at a time when most everything in gardens had ripened, although some of the earlier summer produce was no longer available (e.g. cherries).  Still there was an extensive selection of produce available.  As one would expect of Boulder, everything was fresh, of top quality, and tasty.

03 Boulder Market

04 Boulder Market

Our visit to the market was late on a Saturday morning, when some of the popular items were already sold out.  I'm especially referring to the amazingly popular (and extremely good) peaches grown on the "West Slope" of the Rocky Mountains.  Plums also seemed to have sold out.  But there was a lot of other great produce, which I hope you enjoy:

05 Boulder Market

06 Boulder Market

07 Boulder Market

07a Boulder Market

08 Boulder Market

09 Boulder Market

10 Boulder Market

11 Boulder Market

12 Boulder Market

13 Boulder Market

14 Boulder Market

15 Boulder Market

16 Boulder Market

17 Boulder Market

18 Boulder Market

19 Boulder Market

20 Boulder Market

21 Boulder Market

22 Boulder Market

23 Boulder Market

24 Boulder Market

25 Boulder Market

26 Boulder Market

One of the vendors had a large selection of mushrooms he'd grown.  I've also developed an interest in growing mushrooms, so it was interesting to see how successful he'd been.

27 Boulder Market

28 Boulder Market

An assortment of preserves was also sold at the market, including honey, jams, and a variety of pickled items....

29 Boulder Market

Flower bouquets are so colorful and always a delight to photograph....

30 Boulder Market

31 Boulder Market

One of the growers had a most impressive assortment of cacti and succulents. If we'd not had a flight to catch, I'd have bought a few of these...

32 Boulder Market

There were several food vendors selling snacks and meals, including one that makes absolutely fabulous tamales....

34 Boulder Market

33 Boulder Market

Lastly, I'm always fascinated by the attempts of vegans and vegetarians to create food that tastes like the real thing.  For example, this Vegan "ice cream" truck.  Vegans don't consume any animal products, including milk and cream, so calling it ice cream is disingenuine in my view.  I never tried it, but I'm quite sure real gelato is better.

35 Boulder Market


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  • 30 Boulder Market
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Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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