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Vegas cabs accused of $47 million overcharges


City Center, Las Vegas/ Photo by DrFumblefinger

Las Vegas area cabs are overcharging customers by  $47 million a year, according to a recently released audit by the  governor's finance office. The auditors said a $3 credit card processing fee shouldn't exist and they also criticized a decision to increase a fuel surcharge when gas prices are tanking .They were so critical that they said the Nevada Taxicab Authority should be abolished and  it's duties turned over to.another agency.

In the past, it's been the individual cab drivers in Las Vegas  that have been criticized. "Long hauling," or illegally taking passengers on a longer route. cost passengers an estimated $15 million in 2013 according to state audit.


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I think this story is another example why there is such demand for Uber and Lyft and other ride hailing companies. Not that they don't have their own flaws, but people know what their fare is before getting in.

If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

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