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Boeing sees millions of new flight jobs


With air travel returning to pre-pandemic levels and beyond, the airline industry is going to need lots of new employees over the next 20 years, according to research by Boeing, which forecasts 2.3 million new jobs ahead.

That's even allowing for any future restrictions on short-haul flying as countries and airlines try to meet carbon-neutral pledges. The breakdown by category expects a need for 649,000 pilots, 690,000 maintenance technicians and 938,000 cabin crew. Boeing has a stake in that: It operates a Commercial Training Solutions division to train new personnel.

Geographically, Boeing estimates that about half of the new industry personnel will be hired by airlines in China, Eurasia and North America, with China topping North America in the estimates. Africa, Southeast Asia and South Asia, although not in the top three are noted as areas that are fastest-growing, with their needs expected to nearly double.

If you're ever thought you'd like a job flying the world as a pilot, technician or cabin crew member,

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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