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Buffalo, Sandibe Concession, Botswana


It was just before sunset in the Okavango Delta and the light was soft and magical, what John Steinbeck called, “the hour of the pearl.”  We approached the slowly migrating buffalo herd downwind so they couldn’t pick up our scent, but they were aware of our presence.  


The larger, stronger animals came to the front of the herd and made a living wall between us and the smaller weaker animals.  There they stood, trying to see us (they have bad vision) and smell us, and we sat back, enjoying the amazing view!



Images (3)
  • Buffalo, Sandibe
  • Buffalo, Sandibe
  • Buffalo, Sandibe

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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