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Europe's new rail plans: More and faster


A group of Europe's major rail operators has issued a report calling for more and faster rail links connecting Europe's cities and populations, with the goal of meeting the EU's targets for sustainable transport for 2030 and 2050.

The plan envisions building or upgrading around 21,000 km of rail network, with new building especially in southern and eastern Europe, which have the least high-speed services, but also includes many upgrades in Germany which has generally slower services than France and Spain, the continent's leaders in high-speed.

The plan, calling for a new 'Metropolitan Network' would also see much faster connections between Germany and Scandinavia using the new Fehmarn Belt Tunnel, now under construction. Overall, the plan would require billions of Euros in investment, but it does not present a plan for who and how that would be raised.

Germany's Deutsche Bahn was the lead partner in the study commissioned from a consultant; its partners include national rail operators from Czechia, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Italy.


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