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Floralis Genérica, Buenos Aires


The Floralis Genérica is a 23-metre-high stainless-steel flower standing in a reflecting pool in the United Nations Plaza, Buenos Aires.

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It was constructed in 2002 and is one of the most iconic landmarks in the Argentine capital. It was designed and paid for by local architect Eduardo Catalano, as a gift to the city.

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When it’s working properly it opens at dawn and closes at dusk, just like a real flower, but it has been plagued with electrical and hydraulic problems since its inauguration.

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More recently the steel flower has been damaged by summer storms that lashed the city, causing two of its giant petals to collapse. So now it’s wilting like a real flower as well. It is currently awaiting repairs to restore it to its former glory.


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"Not all who wander are lost."  JRR Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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