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French mayor orders an end to rain


France's national government may be in turmoil after recent parliamentary elections, but at least one French official is taking firm action. Daniel Marriere, mayor of the village of Coulonces, Normandy, has ordered the rain to stop.

Marriere has issued a municipal bylaw for the town of 227 voters: "It is hereby ordered that for the months of August, September and why not October, rain should stop and be replaced by bright sun and a light breeze."

He added "Parish rectors across northern France are to contribute through top-priority communication with heaven, and will therefore be made responsible for the implementation of this rule."

Rains in France have been heavy this year, with June seeing 20% more rain than recent norms, and Marriere has had enough. "I've never known weather like this. Yesterday morning, it was pouring down, the sky was grey and you could hardly see what you were doing. You needed lights on inside of the house."

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