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Löwenbräu Brewery, Munich, Germany


In May, 2018 we spent a few weeks in Europe and had an amazing time in Munich, Germany. While there we visited a few breweries including Hofbräuhaus. It was a blast, but we also wanted to visit a few other breweries. One such brewery that many Americans may be familiar with is Löwenbräu Brewery.  


Here is a little information about the brewery. Its name is German for "lion's brew". Like all German beers, Löwenbräu beers are brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot, the Bavarian beer purity regulation of 1516. Smaller bottles were popular in the 1980s and 1990s and were known as "little ponies". I thought that was interesting and worth sharing.  We tried visiting twice during our visit, but it was raining both days and the beer garden was closed. However, we still had a fun time walking around Here are a few pictures from our short visit.



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  • 0911p
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