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Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada


Middle Island is in the Miramichi River and  about 15 acres in size.  It's  2km east of downtown Chatham. The Island has approximately the same shape as a lake in Chatham. Legends of why they are the same shape abound.


The  Island is most known for being the quarantine station of the Looshtauk ship in 1847, the peak year of the Great Potato Famine. Captain John Mount Than was assigned to sail the ship from Liverpool to Quebec. 462 passengers boarded  in Liverpool.

Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada

Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada

During the journey, Typhus and Scarlet Fever broke out among the passengers.  Captain Than made a decision to head for the nearest port to help the sick and dying passengers. That port was Miramichi, New Brunswick. By the time the ship reached the port over 100 passengers were already dead.  The Captain went to the wharf in Chatham and spoke to the Magistrates about his need for immediate assistance. Conflicting stories of of whether the Captain threatened  to run his ship aground on the island and that's why they helped or they helped more willingly and showed compassion. Both stories agree though that  John Cunard did get the boat towed to Middle Island. 316 were landed on Middle Island. 96 died on the Island and  53  eventually went on to Quebec. 167 were discharged at Chatham.

Interesting song about the Looshtauk by a Miramach folk group, Connie and Paul  The name of the song is Bron Bron Mo Bron

Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada

1873 Middle Island was finally designated as the site for a permanent quarantine station.  The quarantine station lasted  until 1948. 

Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada

 In 1967 a causeway was constructed to join Middle Island and the mainland.


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  • Title image: Title image
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada: Middle Island, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada

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