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New attractions for UK visitors


While the world continues to return to tourism and favorite destinations, some places, including the UK, have rolled out some new attractions, or are about to.

One UK site that could be called a re-opening is Clifford's Tower (above), the last remnant of York Castle. It's been closed since 1684, with all access to the rooms on upper floors list when the lower floor was destroyed. A new free-standing wood structure replaces the lost first floor and allows access to the upper rooms, and to a rooftop viewing platform over the city.

In London, landlubbers with a yen for the sea now have the opportunity to learn to climb the rigging of a sailing ship at Greenwich. The ship, Cutty Sark, is one of the last remaining tea clippers. After climbing 20 meters into the rigging for views of London, they'll return to street level on a controlled zip line.

Also in London, there's a new Vagina Museum, perhaps a counterpoint to Iceland's famous penis museum. It has a permanent exhibit about gynecological anatomy, and a temporary exhibition on periods, plus an events program and cafe.

Liverpool has a new Shakespeare Theatre, at a site that's near one of the first purpose-built theatres outside London. If that's not dramatic enough for some, in County Down, Northern Ireland, there's now a Game of Thrones studio tour.

Among other choices, an expanded visit to the secret Bletchley Park WWII intelligence site, a variety of digital and scientific activities at the Jodrell Bank Observatory, archeological digs, architectural landmarks and more.

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