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New York's new carousel: ride a sea-horse!

A carousel that relies not on horses but on fish and other sea creatures for seats and an overall feel that's like swimming with the fishes opened yesterday in New York City's Battery Park, where the NY Aquarium was located before it moved to Coney Island in the 1940s.


Called the Seaglass Carousel, the ride is designed to give passengers the feel of an underwater garden with bioluminescent fish; its outer walls resemble a curling nautilus shell. Several of the fish have been designed to accommodate wheelchair riders. The price for all is $5.


It's a project of the Battery Park Conservancy, which hopes the $16 million fantasy will make the park a happier place and draw more visitors to an area very near the World Trade Center site. Construction was interrupted three years ago by Hurricane Sandy. For a New York Times article with more details, and an even more spectacular video than the one below, click HERE.


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