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Olympic rings to stay on Eiffel Tower


As if France didn't have enough excitement with the Olympics, the Paralympics and the negotiations for a new government, now there's a controversy over the Olympic rings mounted on the Eiffel Tower this year.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo likes them so much she's announced they will stay on a permanent basis. Not everyone agrees, including France's culture minister and a descendant of Gustave Eiffel.

Savin Yeatman-Eiffel, vice-president of the association of descendants of Gustave Eiffel, told reporters that the tower has symbolized many worthwhile organizations and connecting it permanently to one would be wrong. The culture minister called for a public consultation on the issue.

But Hidalgo told press that "As mayor of Paris, the decision is up to me and I have the agreement of the IOC..."So yes, they (the rings) will stay on the Eiffel Tower." However, she said, the present set of rings is too heavy and will be replaced with lighter ones.

Photo: Ibez73/Wikimedia Commons

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Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, perhaps in response to criticism of her ring decision, told a press conference Thursday that she actually only means to leave the Olympic symbol up until the Los Angeles games start in 2028.

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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