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Panoramic Swing in Tomar, Portugal


The city of Tomar, Portugal is best known for its castle built by the Knights Templar. But next to the castle is a beautiful park, Mata Nacional dos Sete Montes (Seven Mountains National Park).

If you walk all the way to the furthest point from the main entrance, climbing to one of the highest elevations, you will find a giant swing. From this Panoramic Swing, to can see out over the entire park, with the castle off in the distance.

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If you walk all the way to the furthest point from the main entrance, climbing to one of the highest elevations, you will find a giant swing. From this Panoramic Swing, to can see out over the entire park, with the castle off in the distance.

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Images (3)
  • 7 mountains panoramic swing-1
  • 7 mountains panoramic swing-2
  • 7 mountains panoramic swing-3

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