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Ryanair changes its tune: Plans for future growth tied to better customer service

Can it be?  Ryanair, the airline everyone loves to hate, believes it may have used the wrong approach in dealing with consumers in the past.


The airline is best know for offering very low fares and then tacking on extra fees for each small service it provides.  There was even a rumor of a 1 Euro fee for using the toilet on the plane, but (fortunately) this was not implemented.  In an effort to grow their airline, it says it will focus on better customer service (the "Ryanair experience").


I think it will be interesting to see how this story unfolds.  Is it all a publicity stunt from a CEO known for them?  Time will tell.  For many more details on this story, please read this article in the Montreal Gazette.


Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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I think GarryRf had it right from the start. Everything RyanAir did was for free publicity, so those outrages rumors on what they wanted to implement,pay toilets,etc were just that. In reality though when I flew , the customer service  was the same or better than other airlines


Maybe they realized  now every one knows they have bargains,the negative stuff will just scare people away .

If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

You and GarryRF may have been right.


But I'm not sure it's a smart business strategy to have most of the traveling public dislike you more than your competitors.  Airline prices are close enough to each other that perception can definitely matter on who you travel with.  

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

I think RyanAir agrees with you too now! For years though ,he got in the low bargain prices  in the headlines along with his outrages comments and for free.So I and others heard of  the 10 Euro tickets and bought them. The budgets have actually  freed up a lot of Europe into taking daytrips or weekend trips they would of never taken.

If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

He is a smart business man :

"20 May 2013 - Ryanair, Europe's only ultra-low cost carrier (ULCC) today (May 20) announced (record) annual profits of €569m, up 13% on last year"

Its only Americans who hate Ryanair because they take the bait every time Michael O'Leary throws a wild punch ! He's great ! Like Travel Rob, we've used the carrier many times and never been disappointed.

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