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Sanitize your luggage? Read on...


Now there's yet another way to spend your money at the airport while traveling—a chance to have your luggage sanitized by a "state-of-the-art luggage sanitization system" just after the baggage carousel.

The first U.S. installation is up and running at JFK Terminal 7 in New York, with a going rate of $10 per two suitcases. The operation by a company called, without irony, Clean, is sponsored by JFK Millennium Partners, which operates the terminal.

Clean claims to kill 99.9% of "bacteria, virus and other germs" on luggage, and paints a dire picture of what your bag has been through: "Thrown into cargo holds, handled by countless strangers, and rolling through who knows what. It's a germ's paradise."

So, what's inside that impressive big machine, resembling the baggage scanners used by TSA? A UVC lamp, exposing the suitcase to UV-C rays, short-frequency UV that is known to kill germs. Of course, if you'd rather do the job yourself, you can buy a UV-C lamp on Walmart or Amazon starting at about $30. Big impressive scanner box extra.

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