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Spanish city to require biker insurance


in a move that's stirring controversy locally and will likely herald discussions elsewhere, the Spanish city of Zaragoza is requiring cyclists and e-scooter riders to have liability insurance, much like that required of car drivers.

The new rule, which takes effect this month along with a number of other personal mobility measures, has been attacked by some of the city's political parties and pro-cycling groups as a move in the wrong direction because it might lead to fewer people abandoning cars for bikes.

Zaragoza’s Councillor for Mobility, Tatiana Gaudes, stated in local media that the reforms prioritize “the safety of citizens” and make cyclists and scooter riders “safer” while travelling.

Cyclists and electric-scooter riders will be required to carry either a paper or electronic version of their coverage.

Other measures in the new Mobility Ordinance require helmets for e-scooter riders and for children under 16 on bicycles, and require the cycles and scooters to have approved lighting on at front and rear at all times for visibility.

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