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Sunrise in the Himalayas, Nepal


More than any place I’ve ever visited, the Himalaya are a vertical landscape rather than horizontal.  The mountains in the Khumbu are towering masses that because of their altitude are always covered in snow and ice.  The valleys are steep and narrow, completely impractical for roads.  The only way for people to get around is on foot; all goods are either carried by porters or beasts of burden walking the same paths (there are a few places helicopters can land but this is extremely expensive and somewhat dangerous).  Only a few suspension bridges (all built by Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trust) provide access across the roaring rivers to the other side of a valley.   Hotels and hostels are limited and often you just camp in terraced fields, as our group had when this photo was taken.

I’ve liked this image ever since I first took it more than 20 years ago.  The photo captures three of my traveling companions enjoying a sunrise and the panoramic views, ready to begin the day’s trek.  We are in the shadow of a tall mountain so you only see them by silhouette — they could be anyone.  The snow-covered peak across the valley dwarfs them and a few clouds drift by at eye level.  The silhouetted strings of Buddhist prayer flags behind my companions are a bonus that further sets the scene as Nepalese.

This photo was taken with the very first digital camera I ever owned, a small pocket-sized model that seems like ancient technology now but which I think proves you don’t need great gear to get a nice image.


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Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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