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Trio saved from 'a duck too far'


In a scene that belongs in a madcap comedy film, three people had to be rescued from the seas off England's Devon coast when their rubber duckie went too far out to sea.

Two men were on the giant inflatable, nicknamed Quackers, accompanied by a  friend in an inflatable kayak. In five minutes they had drifted 75 meters from the beach, and the kayak was unable to nudge them back to the beach. At 200 meters, they called for the Coastguard, which in turn called volunteers from the Royal National Lifesaving Institute who were training  nearby.

In the meantime, a paddleboarder spotted the situation and went to their aid; he was able to tow the duck close enough to the beach for the men to jump out and swim to shore, where they were met by the RNLI volunteers.

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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