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Two Images in Arles: Art and Life


Truth and fiction, art and life, real and imagined—we have all manner of opposites to shape our view and understanding. But sometimes, they seem to coincide.

Van Gogh Arles Bridge 1888b

Some time ago, while looking through my 'electronic shoebox' I came across the two photos here. The first was consciously recording a scene, the Langlois Bridge at Arles, that was painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1888.

1-L'Arlesienne 2010

The other was completely coincidental; it wasn't until a year or so after the trip that I realized how closely the image of my wife at a cafe in Arles mirrored another Van Gogh painting, L'Arlesienne, also made in Arles in 1888.

L'Arlesienne 1888


Images (4)
  • 1-L'Arlesienne 2010
  • Arles Bridge
  • L'Arlesienne 1888
  • Van Gogh Arles Bridge 1888b

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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