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United's pilot school gets official start


Usually, these days 'commencement' means the end of school and the awarding of degrees, but United Airlines just held a different kind: The official start of its pilot training school, called United Aviate Academy in Arizona.

United bought an existing flight school in 2020, and has rebranded it and upgraded it as part of their plans to stave off predicted shortages of qualified pilots over the next few years. While all airlines participate in pilot training programs, United is the only one to operate an actual school.

Part of the reason for the plan is to widen the pool of potential pilots; getting the first step, a private pilot license, isn't cheap and it's only the first of seven ratings to be earned between there and flying large commercial airliners.

At United's school, the first step is fully funded, allowing potential access for people who could not otherwise afford it. United expects it will result in a more diverse group of trainees; 80% of the first two classes are women or people of color.

Image: United CEO Scott Kirby at the school

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