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Venice: New limits on sound, crowds


Venice is adding another new level of tourism control, with new restrictions on loudspeakers, bullhorns and the size of tour groups, starting this week.

Opinions are still mixed on whether Venice's new day-tripper tourist fee, finally introduced on certain days this spring are having the desired effect of raising funds and restricting over-tourism.

The new rules limit sightseeing groups to no more than 25 individuals and do not allow guides to use bullhorns. Also banned is using loudspeakers to play music outdoors.

The city’s councilor for commerce, Sebastiano Costalonga, said: “The administration not only wants to give precise rules for respecting the fragility of Venice, the traffic, and coexistence with those who live in Venice but also give a signal regarding the presence of unauthorized tourist guides, which with this new article will no longer be tolerated.”

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